Governor Newsom Must Support SB 1047

Jason Green-Lowe
September 3, 2024
Download SB 1047 Open Letter

Joined with Public Citizen, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, the Incarcerated Nation Network, and Accountable Tech, the Center for AI Policy (CAIP) organized and submitted the following letter to California Gavin Newsom urging him to sign SB 1047.

Here are three highlights of the attached letter:

  1. The letter urges Governor Newsom to sign SB 1047, a "remarkably light-touch piece of legislation," to ensure responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.
  2. The letter addresses and rebuts several arguments made by opponents of the bill, including claims that it's too early to regulate AI, that it would harm innovation and startups, and that it would negatively impact the open-source community.
  3. The letter clarifies that the bill targets companies spending over $100 million on AI model training, not small startups. It explains that the 'kill switch' requirement would not significantly hinder operations or deter the use of open-source technologies.

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