CAIP ​Responds to Altman's AI ​Governance ​Op-Ed

Jason Green-Lowe
July 25, 2024

CAIP ​Responds to Altman's AI ​Governance ​Op-Ed: Calls for ​More ​Decisive ​Congressional ​Action on AI Safety

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Sam Altman, co-founder and CEO of OpenAI, had an opinion editorial entitled "Who will control the future of AI?" in The Washington Post. Jason Green-Lowe, Executive Director of the Center for AI Policy (CAIP), a nonpartisan advocacy group urging Congress to require safe AI, released the following statement:

"Sam Altman's recent opinion editorial in The Washington Post raises critical questions about AI governance, but it falls short of addressing the full scope of this pressing issue. While Altman correctly identifies the need for improved cybersecurity and clear export controls, these measures alone are insufficient to ensure that AI development serves the American public interest.

"The safety component of OpenAI's new agenda is vaporware. Sam Altman is not calling for any immediate regulation; he's just asking for investments that will benefit his business and then making vague suggestions about an international organization that might be created in the distant future.

"Congress must take a more proactive role in shaping AI policy, rather than deferring to tech industry leaders. This should include implementing transparent regulations that address potential biases, data privacy, and emerging AI safety concerns. Moreover, involving diverse perspectives in the legislative process is crucial to creating a balanced framework that promotes innovation while safeguarding public safety and trust.

"Americans deserve a voice in determining how AI will impact their lives and livelihoods. Let's have a debate about how America can take the lead on AI safety. Congress has an opportunity to ensure that the benefits of this transformative technology are equitably distributed and its risks are responsibly managed.

"These issues are too important to delegate to a company that was just caught trying to intimidate its whistleblowers. Only through inclusive, democratic processes can we build an AI future that truly serves all Americans."

The Center for AI Policy (CAIP) is a nonpartisan research organization dedicated to mitigating the catastrophic risks of AI through policy development and advocacy. Operating out of Washington, DC, CAIP works to ensure AI is developed and implemented with effective safety standards.

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